About Us

Philosophy and Mission

The Chilton County Board of Education believes that:

  • The primary function of the Career/Technical Center is to recognize the uniqueness of each individual student and work together to promote his/her growth mentally, physically, socially, and emotionally. These goals can be accomplished by making available to the secondary students in Chilton County the technical training, related education, and guidance necessary to enable them to choose, to prepare for, and to enter a useful occupation, or to upgrade their present skills in order to become more employable, or make advancement in their present work.
  • Career/Technical Education is becoming increasingly important in these days of ever-changing needs of home and family, agriculture, business and community. Education for occupational competence should be an integral part of the educational program for every boy and girl coming of age in the future. With the training available at the Career/Technical Center, students have the option of entering the job market, going on to another technical school for additional training, or entering college.
  • Students are given assistance in making wise choices concerning careers and are provided with necessary occupational information. The curriculum is designed so that attending the Career/Technical Center will in no way limit a student's options following graduation.